Why sell through a managing agent?

Category Newsletter: Article

What few people may realise, is that some managing agents are in fact also fully accredited estate agents. They have first-hand insight and knowledge of sectional title property and more so, if they are involved in the particular complex or estate.

That places them in the ideal position to also become sales agents for the sector and complexes and estates that they manage. Managing agents have the same skills and expertise and access to the same marketing tools that traditional estate agents use, but bring more insight and expertise in this particular property class.

What’s more, they know the complex and owners so well, that they know exactly what type of buyer would be interested, meaning that they are able to advise closely on how to target the marketing and at what level to set the price to attract maximum interest for the property.

While it’s exciting to sell a home, it can also be a daunting process as there are so many things to consider. The economy plays a big role and more so when it comes to selling your property. In a good economy, you are likely to attract scores of buyers, but when economic times become more challenging, buyer interest drops as they face challenges themselves.

Using an experienced real estate professional from a reputable brand will accelerate the process and ensure a smooth and hassle-free transaction. The benefits of using a professional real estate agent far outweighs the benefits of not using one.

Selling your property involves a process which includes the advertising of your property to the right market suited to your property specifications, the desired selling price and the location. Then comes the process of setting up appointments for viewings, preparing the property for show days and preparing all the paperwork to accept offers from potential buyers as well as knowing the legalities involved in the selling process.

There are also many nuances, rules and regulations that come with sectional title property and these are often not well understood by potential buyers. Here too, the managing agent is ideally placed to advise buyers on key points to bear in mind including the rules and financial position of the particular complex in question.

A managing agent, being quite accustomed to managing the complex, is also ideally placed to oversee and manage any repairs or inspections that need to be done on the property before it is ready to be marketed and especially before the sale is concluded. 

Managing agents play a vital role in the selling process, not only to advertise and sell the property but also to counsel you on the steps, and guide you through the process to remove any doubt or any anxiety which may cause you distress or even deter you from selling the home. 

As you can see, using a managing agent as your sales agent brings considerable advantages. If you’re thinking about selling your property, find out more about Coastal Property Sales and Letting or contact a Property Consultant today.

Author: Coastal Property Sales and Letting

Submitted 19 Feb 17 / Views 2807