Holidays are here, time to get the house in order

Category Newsletter: Article

Your property is your single most important and valuable asset. It is also one that can be vulnerable to disasters and crime and it is always best to ensure that you are prepared as best as possible.

Periods of absence could become problematic, not just from a potential crime point of view, but what if the geyser bursts while you are away?

With the holidays fast approaching, it is a good time to pause and reflect on some things that you could do to safeguard your property, such as:

  1. Beef up security – check that your security system is in full working order. Remember to notify your security company when you are going away. It is also advisable to provide details of extended travel to the company along with contact numbers where they can get hold of you or a friend or relative.
  2. Review insurances – check that your insurances are up to date and that you have adequate cover for your full household contents as well as the actual property itself. Update the replacement values where necessary.
  3. Get a sitter – there are many people who offer professional house sitting services so that home owners can go on holiday with the peace of mind that someone is looking after their property and pets.
  4. Call a friend/family member – you could also arrange with a friend or family member to be your contact and stand-in for emergencies while you are away. This person might also be willing to do a regular check up on your house, especially if it is a freestanding property.
  5. Important details – be sure to keep a record of important contact numbers and insurance policies handy in the event that you need to access these. Travelling, especially an overseas trip can be stressful and the better prepared you are, the more you can enjoy your holiday.
  6. House matters – be sure to unplug and switch off all appliances, except for security systems. Switch off any Jacuzzi and swimming pool mains and anything else which does not need to remain on. Check and clear your fridge of any foods that might spoil and ensure that your house is clean, the beds are made, the laundry done and the trash is taken out.
  7. Complex matters – if you are in a sectional title complex or estate, be sure to also notify the relevant trustees and managing agents of the period of your absence. Leave your contact details as well as that of a friend/relative who can be contacted in case of emergency. If you have made arrangements for someone to do regular inspections or to feed your animals, be sure to notify the complex management of those arrangements.

After a period of relaxing, you do not want to return home just to find that it is in disorder. A great holiday starts with good planning.

Author: Coastal Property Group

Submitted 28 Nov 17 / Views 1674